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A.K Yeboah, with birth name Antony Kwabena Yeboah, is a highly influential Highlife musician from Ghana. He began his career in the 1950s and went on to form his own group, K.K.'s No.2 Band in 1969. Yeboah was known for his exceptional skills as a guitarist, and his music was loved for its infectious rhythms, catchy melodies, and heartfelt lyrics. Aside from his success as a musician, Yeboah was also a beloved father and mentor to many aspiring musicians, including his son Kwame Yeboah, who also became a successful musician. A.K Yeboah's legacy continues to inspire new generations of artists, and he is remembered as a true pioneer of Ghanaian Highlife music and a legend of African music.


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Record Label associated with A.K. Yeboah - past and current.