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Ibrahim al-Hasnawi, hailed as the "Father of Libyan Reggae," is a renowned singer-songwriter and guitarist from Libya. Inspired by Bob Marley's music since 1975, Ibrahim seamlessly incorporated reggae into his musical style, resulting in the release of his debut album, "Hesnawi and Peace," in 1980. Known for his socially conscious songs in Libyan Arabic, Ibrahim's heartfelt vocal style shines in tracks like "Al Hob Wal Salam" and "Only World." With an extensive discography of over 15 albums, Ibrahim skillfully combines Arabic and English lyrics with influences such as funk, Algerian raï, and rhythmic elements of Libyan pop and folk music, distinguished by reggae's characteristic steady marching tempo.


The Father of Libyan Reggae - Habibi Funk 024
The Father of Libyan Reggae - Habibi Funk 024
2023 • AlbumTracks: 9


Record Label associated with Ibrahim Hesnawi - past and current.