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Jimi Solanke was a multi-talented Nigerian artist who made remarkable contributions to film, theater, music, and literature. Jimi Solanke embarked on a journey across continents, showcasing the richness of African culture. With a diploma in drama from the University of Ibadan, he founded The Africa Review, promoting African culture through vibrant performances. In Los Angeles, he gained fame as a "master storyteller" recognized by CNN. Returning to Nigeria, he collaborated with the Nigerian Television Authority and starred in films directed by Ola Balogun. Solanke's creative prowess extended to music, literature, and advocacy for women's and children's health. Sadly, Solanke died on February 5, 2024, at the age of 81. His legacy is a testament to his dedication to African culture.


Hidden Gold
Hidden Gold
2018 • albumTracks: 14


Record Label associated with Jimi Solanke - past and current.