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Kouame Sereba, whose birth name doubles as his stage name, is an Ivorian composer, musician, teacher, and multi-instrumentalist. He got exposed to music at a young age and continues to be involved with music to date, amongst his several other interests. He moved to Norway in 1983 and has been heavily involved in the Norwegian music scene since then. He collaborated with Kirsten Braten Berg and Solo Cissokho on the 1997 album Fra Senegal Til Setesdal and has solo efforts of his like the 2011 album Shama Shama. He was awarded the Folk Musician of the Year Award for the 2009 Folk Music Award in Norway.


Shama Shama
Shama Shama
2011 • AlbumTracks: 15


Record Label associated with Kouame Sereba - past and current.