BioSiméon Mavuela, also known as "Mavuela Somo," or "Cheik Vuelas," was a legendary Congolese rumba musician who was a former member of the Zaiko Langa Langa orchestra.
He later founded the Isifi Lokole Orchestra with Papa Wemba, Mbuta Mashakado, Evoloko Jocker, and Bozi Boziana, and then the Yoka Lokole Orchestra with Papa Wemba and Bozi Boziana.
After the new group disbanded, Mavuela attempted a solo career in Gabon and eventually settled in Belgium with his wife.
He had several successful titles to his credit, including "Macé," "Ba Mères Goût," and "Zara."
After almost 40 years in the music industry, he retired from secular music and devoted himself entirely to gospel songs, forming the El ShaddaÍ group. He later passed away in 2022.
DiscographyDiscography not yet available. Check later.
LabelRecord Label associated with Mavuela Somo aka Cheik Vuelas - past and current.