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Mayaula Mayoni, also known as Freddy Mayaula Mayoni, was a versatile Congolese soukous artist, songwriter, and guitarist. Before embarking on his music career, he showcased his talents as a talented footballer. His musical journey began with the Congolese student orchestra, 'Africana,' where he played the rhythm guitar, demonstrating his musical prowess. Mayoni was also a notable member of the renowned soukous ensemble TPOK Jazz. Among his impressive contributions to the genre, the track "Cherie Bondowe" stands out. Throughout his illustrious career, Mayaula Mayoni earned multiple accolades, frequently being voted 'composer of the year' in Zaire, a testament to his immense talent and influence in the world of soukous music.


Jour et nuit
Jour et nuit
2018 • albumTracks: 10
Lamour au kilo
Lamour au kilo
1992 • albumTracks: 8


Record Label associated with Mayaula Mayoni - past and current.