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BioImitshotshovu, meaning "The Thunderers," emerged as the backbone of South Africa's Mbaqanga scene in the 1970s and 1980s. Originating as the Soul Brothers' backing band, they honed a signature sound, blending Zulu rhythms and percussive keyboards. Their 1993 album, "Isikhwele," marked a seismic shift, producing instant hits like "Khethomthandayo" and "Udlala Ngami." Beyond party anthems, Imitshotshovu tackled social issues with raw honesty in songs like "Asihloniphe" and "Ngiyakondla," offering solace and defiance during apartheid. International ambassadors of Mbaqanga supported artists like Brenda Fassie, defining the genre's golden age and leaving an enduring impact worldwide.
DiscographyInduku2009 • albumTracks: 1 Ukhalelani2009 • albumTracks: 10 Isithembu1995 • albumTracks: 10 Icala1994 • albumTracks: 10 Inanana1994 • albumTracks: 10 Isikhwele1993 • albumTracks: 10 Inkani1987 • albumTracks: 8