AML Instrument Spotlight: The AlgaitaBy Mon Dec 09 2024Photo courtesy of PexelsThe algaita is an oboe-like musical instrument that belongs to the aerophone class with origins in West Africa, particularly among the Hausa and Kanuri peoples.Share to:
Traditional African Musical InstrumentsBy | 8/11/2023 | GeneralThere are four major classes of African musical instruments and their classification is based on how the make they make their sounds...
Mbira and its Musical Cousins: Kalimba, Likembe, Ubo and MoreBy | 7/17/2024 | InstrumentAs the popularity of the mbira grew, different regional variations such as Kalimba, Likembe, Ubo, ilimba, Chilimba and others came into play.
Berimbau: From African Roots to Afro-Caribbean Cultural IconBy | 11/10/2023 | InstrumentThe Berimbau is now part of Brazilian culture and it has a prominent role in Capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian game dance that combines the elements of dance, music, and combat.
A Giant Falls Silent: Malian Kora Maestro Toumani Diabaté Dies at 58By | 7/22/2024 | PeopleToumani Diabaté, the Malian music legend and revered master kora player, dies at age 58 on July 19, 2024.
Nyatiti: Kenya Enchanting Musical TreasureBy | 9/14/2023 | InstrumentThe Nyatiti is not just another musical instrument to the litany of African musical instruments. It's a symbol of Kenyan culture and heritage.