Gasba Flutes: From the Cults of the Saints to Contemporary Musical Accompaniment in AlgeriaBy Anu OnasanyaPublished: Thu Dec 07 2023
Shekere: an incredible African percussion instrumentBy Last Updated 1/30/2024 InstrumentThe shekere goes by numerous names, reflecting its widespread influence and popularity across the African regions and beyond its borders.
Tim Lyre: MASTA review - an Afro-fusion Brilliance on new confidence levelBy Last Updated 12/20/2023 ReviewsTim Lyre matched his confidence and delivered his brag on this album, showing he can navigate diverse musical and sonic realms effortlessly. He also showcased his level of lyrical prowess and delivery.
Bikutsi: Cameroon’s Feminist Dance GenreBy Last Updated 12/15/2023 GenresThe Bikutsi dance genre was a quiet revolution against the oppressive silence imposed on the women in the strictly patriarchal society.
African Drums: A Diverse Percussion InstrumentBy Last Updated 9/19/2023 InstrumentAfrican drums have different purposes...are of different forms, shapes, and make. These African instruments have found their way to other cultures and continents, finding expressions in entertainment and music formation.
Can Libyan Reggae be Considered a Standout Genre?By Last Updated 9/20/2023 GenresLibyan reggae emerged as a musical response to the social and political challenges faced by the Libyan people. Gained prominence during the late 20th century, it experienced a surge in popularity during the Arab Uprising in 2011.