Oporo: Complimentary Instrument of NyatitiBy Anu OnasanyaWed Feb 21 2024Photo courtesy of Wanted in AfricaOporo is a musical instrument with roots at Luo people of Kenya and Tanzania.Share to:
Benga Music: Kenya’s Greatest Musical ExportBy | 11/16/2023 | GenresThough the origin of the sound is known, the name BENGA remains a matter of speculation. Some say, it was derived from Obengo, the name of the mother of the legendary Benga musician D.O. Misiani. Another believes that the word was first used in the song, Monica Ondego, by the Ogara Boys from the 1963 Ketebul Label.
Traditional African Musical InstrumentsBy | 8/11/2023 | GeneralThere are four major classes of African musical instruments and their classification is based on how the make they make their sounds...
Blinky Bill: We Cut Keys 2 review - a triumphant comebackBy | 2/7/2024 | ReviewsWe Cut Keys 2 is a 16-track album that showcase unique style of Blinky Bill, marking a triumphant comeback for one of Kenya trailblazers in alternative music... highlighting his distinctive evolution and musical prowess.
Blinky Bill: We Cut Keys 2 - a triumphant comebackBy | 2/6/2024 | ReviewsWe Cut Keys 2 is a 16-track album that showcase unique style of Blinky Bill, marking a triumphant comeback for one of Kenya trailblazers in alternative music... highlighting his distinctive evolution and musical prowess.
Berimbau: From African Roots to Afro-Caribbean Cultural IconBy | 11/10/2023 | InstrumentThe Berimbau is now part of Brazilian culture and it has a prominent role in Capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian game dance that combines the elements of dance, music, and combat.