Storytelling in Music: A powerful tool in learningBy Anu OnasanyaThu Oct 05 2023Photo courtesy of African Music libraryStorytelling in Music: A powerful tool in learning blog post bannerShare to:
Foster Inaugural Outing at Akoka Primary School LagosBy | 8/17/2023 | Company NewsThe day concluded on a triumphant note, with other pupils - those watching the event from the classroom entrance – began inquiring about their upcoming turns. Oh, if only we could accommodate all the requests! Interestingly, we discovered that some year six pupils had joined the younger ones for the class.
Streaming Platforms: Which offers Best Audio Quality and Listeners ExperienceBy | 10/2/2024 | GeneralWhat is the sound quality of each streaming platform? While most streaming platforms offer high-quality bitrate options, there may be slight differences in their default available tiers. So, what is obtainable on each digital streaming platform?
Marketing Strategies for Indie ArtistsBy | 10/15/2024 | GeneralMany indie artists take on their promotions, largely due to insufficient funds to pay professionals. Here are tips for marketing strategies to make a difference.
The Oud Journey Across BordersBy | 9/27/2023 | InstrumentThere are three broad categories of the Oud music instrument - Persian Oud (also known as Barbat), Arabic Oud, and Turkish or Greek Oud (called Outi in Greece). In addition to the location difference, these three categories are unique based on size, neck, and sound.
AML Instrument Spotlight: The AlgaitaBy | 12/9/2024 | InstrumentThe Algaita, a West African aerophone, is a cultural symbol used in ceremonies and music groups. This African musical instrument is much more than the sounds it more about its social and cultural significance.