African Music and Dance: An Enduring Bond within African CultureBy Kosiso NwachukwuMon Jun 24 2024Photo courtesy of CanvaA graphic design of African Dance and Music blog on African Music Library website.Share to:
Exploring Isicathamiya: The Captivating A Capella Sounds of South AfricaBy | 6/8/2023 | GenresIsicathamiya (a Zulu phrase meaning to walk on tiptoes in English) succinctly and beautifully captures the essence of its performances, where singers showcase choreographed footwork and graceful movements to accompany their singing.
Stambeli: Tracing the Spiritual Rhythms of North AfricaBy | 8/30/2023 | GenresIt’s common for Stambeli to be mistaken for the Moroccan Gnawa genre due to shared geographical origins, instruments, spirituality, and rhythm complexity. Yet, the divergence lies in their melodic and vocal focus...
Nyatiti: Kenya Enchanting Musical TreasureBy | 9/14/2023 | InstrumentThe Nyatiti is not just another musical instrument to the litany of African musical instruments. It's a symbol of Kenyan culture and heritage.
Ekwe, the Igbo Slit DrumBy | 12/15/2023 | InstrumentThe Ekwe is more than just a musical instrument; it is a cultural artifact deeply embedded in the fabric of Igbo society.
Kora, More Than A Musical InstrumentBy Anu Onasanya | 6/8/2023 | GenresThe Kora, primarily employed for storytelling, plays a pivotal role in West African music, particularly within the tradition of the griot...