African Music, more than the SoundsBy Anu OnasanyaWed Jan 24 2024Photo courtesy of CanvaAfrican music remains a living testament to the resilience, creativity, and cultural wealth of the orange continent.Share to:
Nyatiti: Kenya Enchanting Musical TreasureBy | 9/14/2023 | InstrumentThe Nyatiti is not just another musical instrument to the litany of African musical instruments. It's a symbol of Kenyan culture and heritage.
Bikutsi: Cameroon’s Feminist Dance GenreBy | 12/15/2023 | GenresThe Bikutsi dance genre was a quiet revolution against the oppressive silence imposed on the women in the strictly patriarchal society.
Understanding Ethio-Jazz and its Enduring LegacyBy | 7/11/2024 | GenresEthiopian jazz, also known as Ethio-jazz, is a unique genre blend of traditional orthodox Ethiopian melodies and Western Jazz influences which was recreated by Ethiopian musician and arranger, Mulatu Astatke.
Eastern Nigerian Afro-Funk Revolution: From Regional Fame to National InfluenceBy | 3/8/2024 | Company NewsAfro-funk, a fusion of both African and funk sensibilities, is a genre that fuses the elements of traditional African rhythms, funk, rock and jazz.
Rwandan Pop: A Mélange of Distinctive Musical ElementsBy | 2/23/2024 | GenresRwandan Pop is a mélange of distinctive musical elements ... sweet sounds of the inanga, a traditional Rwandan instrument, alongside modern instruments like guitars and synthesizers in Kinyarwanda.