Music Education and School Attendance: Striking a Harmonious ChordBy Anu OnasanyaWed Sep 27 2023Photo courtesy of freepik.comMusic Education and School Attendance: Striking a Harmonious ChordShare to:
Marketing Strategies for Indie ArtistsBy | 10/15/2024 | GeneralMany indie artists take on their promotions, largely due to insufficient funds to pay professionals. Here are tips for marketing strategies to make a difference.
The Role of Elders in Preserving African Oral TraditionsBy | 1/27/2025 | GeneralAn African proverb says that when an old man dies, a library burns to the ground. What role really do African elders play in the transfer of African cultural heritage and knowledge?
Post-Term Commission or Sunset Period?By | 12/16/2024 | GeneralHowever, as crucial as the role of artist manager is, the intricacies of management agreements often become a point of contention, and one of the most contentious and essential aspects of a management agreement is the Post-Term Commission or Sunset Period. So, what does Post-Term Commission or Sunset Period mean?
Adieu, MohBad!By | 9/26/2023 | PeopleShowing dexterity in his music, the Street hop crooner, MohBad who started as a rapper later took on singing and thus, went on to release other songs such as Ponmo, Gumbody, Peace, Sorry, Feel Good, and others.
Discovering the Multilingual Magic of Nel Oliver's Evergreen Hit, Baby GirlBy Samuel Banjoko | 2/7/2023 | GeneralNel Oliver's Baby Girl tells of the emotional attachment between a father and his daughter as he gives her away on her wedding day.