Ti Gonzi: From Boys To Men album review - a tale of personal struggles and triumphsBy John OriwoTue May 28 2024Photo courtesy of SpotifyThis is he cover artowrk image of TI-GONZI music album titled " FROM BOYS TO MEN".Share to:
African Female Hip-Hop PioneersBy | 9/17/2024 | PeopleIn recent years, the hip-hop scene in Africa has witnessed the rise of several female talents who are challenging this male-dominated genre. Some female pioneers include Sasha P, Sister FA, Weird MC, Nadia Nakai, Kween G, and others. The legacy of these female pioneers has paved the way for future generations of African female hip-hop artists to continue empowering and inspiring audiences.
The Evolution of Nigerian Hip-Hop GenreBy | 11/21/2024 | GenresThe Nigerian hip-hop scene has experienced remarkable evolution, transitioning from being an imported sound to a vibrant and original part of the music industry, reflecting the diverse languages of Nigeria.
Chimurenga: The Zimbabwean music of rebellionBy | 6/8/2023 | GenresOne significant aspect of chimurenga music was its fusion of traditional African music with Western influences, resulting in a distinctive and impactful sound that appealed to audiences in Zimbabwe and worldwide.
Music Genre and Style - Same or Different?By | 1/20/2025 | GenresFor a long time, the terms genre and style have been used interchangeably, but they play distinct roles in defining and categorizing musical expressions, especially in African music. Genres are broad classifications, while styles are more flexible and personalized.
Joshua Baraka: Growing Pains EP - a nuanced and resonant artistic expressionBy | 1/26/2024 | ReviewsUgandan singer and producer Joshua Baraka has released a seven-track EP, Growing Pains.