Tigre Music: Exploring the Rich Rhythms of Tigre people of EritreaBy Kosiso NwachukwuFri Nov 17 2023Photo courtesy of Apple Music StoreTigre music is a unique and vibrant tradition that has been passed down for generations.Share to:
Traditional African Musical InstrumentsBy | 8/11/2023 | GeneralThere are four major classes of African musical instruments and their classification is based on how the make they make their sounds...
Nyatiti: Kenya Enchanting Musical TreasureBy | 9/14/2023 | InstrumentThe Nyatiti is not just another musical instrument to the litany of African musical instruments. It's a symbol of Kenyan culture and heritage.
Bikutsi: Cameroon’s Feminist Dance GenreBy | 12/15/2023 | GenresThe Bikutsi dance genre was a quiet revolution against the oppressive silence imposed on the women in the strictly patriarchal society.
African Drums: A Diverse Percussion InstrumentBy | 9/19/2023 | InstrumentAfrican drums have different purposes...are of different forms, shapes, and make. These African instruments have found their way to other cultures and continents, finding expressions in entertainment and music formation.
Udulele New Release: OLOLOKWE - EP REVIEWBy | 12/5/2023 | ReviewsOlolokwe is a project that explores the intersection of indigenous sounds, nature, people, and cultural stories. The 3-track EP seeks to create a healing, peaceful, and harmonious existence for all people. It imparts wisdom intended to uplift spirits and assist them in letting go of the old and evolving to become one with the world