More Album Info
The King Of History is an Album that was released by the Shirati Jazz in the year 1975 lead by D.O Misiani
No award records yet.

Pepenazi 2020
Single, 1 song
Tilahun Gessesse 2020
Album, 26 songs
Bernice Ofei 2018
Album, 12 songs
Ismail Ellithy 2018
Album, 9 songs
Album, 15 songs
Cheikha Rimitti 1995
Album, 8 songs
Segun Adewale 1983
ep, 2 songs
Celestine Ukwu 1973
Album, 4 songs
Ayinla Omowura aka Egunmogaji 1920
Album, 2 songs
E. C. Arinze
Album, 7 songs